January 2014 IEEE ComSoc Papers on Network Coding

IEEE Transactions on Communications

IEEE Transactions On Mobile Computing

IEEE Transactions On Multimedia

Source: IEEE Comunications Society’s Publications Contents Digest

Building clang 3.3 from source

Recently I had the need to build a specific version (3.3) of the clang compiler from source. Following the instructions on the clang website this turned out to be quite easy. I recorded the steps here for future reference (steps adapted from http://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html):

1. Checkout llvm
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/tags/RELEASE_33/final llvm33_src

2. Checkout clang
cd llvm33_src/tools
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/tags/RELEASE_33/final clang
cd ../..

3. Checkout extra Clang Tools: (optional)
cd llvm33_src/tools/clang/tools/
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra/tags/RELEASE_33/final extra
cd ../../../../

4. Checkout Compiler-RT:
cd llvm33_src/projects/
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/compiler-rt/tags/RELEASE_33/final compiler-rt
cd ../..

5a. Building (Debug build)
mkdir llvm33_build
cd llvm33_build
CC=gcc CXX=g++ ../llvm33_src/configure
make -j8
cd ..

5b. Building (Optimized build)
mkdir llvm33_build
cd llvm33_build
CC=gcc CXX=g++ ../llvm33_src/configure --enable-optimized
make -j8
cd ..

Color terminal output

Did you ever experience that a template error in C++ produced tons of terminal output, making the task of finding the actual offending error very tedious. Yesterday I stumbled upon a handy little tool called colout (http://nojhan.github.io/colout/).

You can install it using pip:
sudo pip install colout

No invoke the compiler (we redirect both stdout and stderr to the colout tool):
g++ main.cpp 2>&1 | colout error

Now you should see the word “error” nicely highlighted in red.

December 2013 IEEE ComSoc Papers on Network Coding

IEEE Transactions on Communications

IEEE Communications Letters

IEEE Surveys & Tutorials

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Source: IEEE Comunications Society’s Publications Contents Digest

Tutorial Implementing Network Coding (IEEE Globecom 2013)

globecom-2013-croppedThis Friday I will together with Frank Fitzek (www.fitzek.net) be presenting our “Implementing Network Coding” tutorial at IEEE Globecom 2013 in Atlanta.


Network coding has raised a lot of interest in the research community lately and first attempts in standardization bodies are taking place to integrate this ground breaking technology in commercial products. This tutorial will give a short introduction to network coding, but the main focus is to enable the audience to implement their own ideas either in simulations or in real testbeds. Therefore the tutorial organizers will present their own software library for network coding. The software library comes with a small simulation environment to test out first simple relaying topologies. It can be further integrated into NS3 and allows more complex simulations. The tutorial will show how to embed the software library and to do the parameterization for different scenarios. Understanding the impact of different parameter choices are of critical importance in order to successfully deploy network coding in real networks and on real devices. Throughout the tutorial participants will gain hands-on experience with the impact of key parameters such as finite field size, generation size and systematic coding.
The tutorial will also show how to implement the software on commercial platforms such as Android phones, tablets, or laptops. Some demonstrators of network coding will be available showing the full potential of network coding in larger testbeds. The goal of the tutorial is that each participant understands the basic functionality of network coding and is able to integrate network coding in own projects. The software library is fully accessible to the audience even after the tutorial. This tutorial will be held for the first time and the implementation of network coding is a very timely topic.

Read more about the tutorial here: http://www.ieee-globecom.org/tutorials.html#t12

November 2013 IEEE ComSoc Papers on Network Coding

IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine

IEEE Communications Letters

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

Source: IEEE Comunications Society’s Publications Contents Digest

TPC and Call for Papers NetCod 2014

The 2014 International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod 2014) will be held in Aalborg Denmark. This year I have been invite to participate in the Technical Program Committee (TPC), which I’m looking forward to.

If you are working in the area of network coding the NetCod 2014 call for papers is now available. You can find that and more information about NetCod on the webpage: http://netcod2014.com/

Hope to see you in Aalborg.

October 2013 IEEE ComSoc Papers on Network Coding

IEEE Communications Letters

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

IEEE Transactions on Communications

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Source: IEEE Comunications Society’s Publications Contents Digest

Network Coding Research Group (IETF 88)

irtfThe next IRTF Network Coding Research Group (nwcrg) meeting at IETF 88 in Vancouver is scheduled for this Thursday the 7th of November from 13.00 – 15.00 PST. Unfortunately I am not able to participate in person this time, but this gives me the opportunity to try out the many options for remote participation available at the IETF meetings.

There are a bunch of interesting talks on the nwcrg agenda which you can find here.

If you are interested in participating remotely there is a bunch of ways, which you can look up here.

Personally I will try to join via the Meetecho tool which seems to work out of the box on most setups. The direct link for the nwcrg Meetecho session is here.

Update the slides are available here search for nwcrg to find the right ones.

Looking forward to the talks.