IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine
- Lean and mean: network coding for commercial devices
Paramanathan, A. ; Pedersen, M.V. ; Lucani, D.E. ; Fitzek, F.H.P. ; Katz, M.
- Effect of realistic channel conditions on the energy efficiency of network coding-aided cooperative MAC protocols
Antonopoulos, A. ; Renzo, M.D. ; Verikoukis, C.
IEEE Communications Letters
- Decoding Probability in Random Linear Network Coding with Packet Losses
Chiasserini, Carla-Fabiana ; Viterbo, Emanuele ; Casetti, Claudio
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Unsaturated Throughput Analysis of Physical-Layer Network
Coding Based on IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination
Lin, Shijun ; Fu, Liqun
Non-Regenerative Multi-Way Relaying: Combining the Gains of
Network Coding and Joint Processing
Degenhardt, Holger ; Rong, Yue ; Klein, Anja
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
QAM Constellation Design for Complex Field Network Coding
in Multi-Way Relay Channels
Sharifian, Shaham ; Hashemitabar, Behnam ; Gulliver, T.Aaron
Source: IEEE Comunications Society’s Publications Contents Digest